Ne bodi kot drugi, Bližina, Ne spreminjaj me, Ljubi me, kot sonce sije, Drugi breg želja, and Med nama je angel are just a few of the popular song titles created together by poet Feri Lainšček and singer-songwriter Ditka. Their new song, Ljubim te, ljubim, ljubezen, has also lent its name to their concert of musical love poetry, which they have been performing across Slovenia for some time now.
Their creative collaboration began a decade ago when they joined forces with pianist and composer Gorazd Čepin to craft unique poetic and musical atmospheres. From literary evenings and small music venues, they naturally transitioned to the grand stages of cultural halls in Slovenia and beyond. Over time, they have developed a repertoire that appeals to poetry enthusiasts and fans of quality original music from all generations.
The concert Ljubim te, ljubim, ljubezen offers a selection of Ditka’s most beloved love songs as well as some new pieces. Accompanied by outstanding musicians, the concert is further enriched by the poet’s own recitation of his works. It is created by artists who are continually inspired by love, placing it as their ultimate value.
The poetic musical-literary tour is co-organized and supported by the company Mega M d.o.o.