

Duration: 2 H 15 MIN
Maribor Theatre Festival

Based on the life and work of Karel Destovnik – Kajuh
Celje City Theatre

Karel Destovnik – Kajuh (1922–1944) was the only Slovenian cultural figure to be declared a national hero in 1953. He left behind an extensive oeuvre, which consists mainly of poetry. While for Slovenians today, the Partisan movement is the bittersweet recent history of the nation, the play’s authors wonder above all about a bygone, eternally young generation that was forced to take radical decisions and consciously transformed itself from naive youth into a voice of rebellion, a propaganda machine, a rabid dog. Even in the present, this voice resounds for a world that does not exist. Partisan songs are artefacts, they race through the forests, they appear as ghosts at celebrations, they echo among the mountains, and that is why the young creative team deals with them comprehensively, attentively and with an exemplary degree of respectful distance, which also introduces a critical view of the young generation on the challenges of modern age.

Director Živa Bizovičar
Concept Živa Bizovičar, Nik Žnidaršič
Dramaturg Nik Žnidaršič
Set designer Nika Curk
Costume designer Nina Čehovin 
Composer Luka Ipavec
Lighting designer Bor Ravbar
Language consultant Živa Čebulj
Language consultants for Cerknica dialect Ljoba Jenče, Ana Ule
Prompter Simona Krošl

Damjan M. Trbovc
Lovro Zafred
Mojka Končar, as guest 
Miranda Trnjanin, as guest 
Mario Dragojević, as guest 

Opening hours
The LGM Box Office is open every Tuesday to Friday between 9 am and 1 pm, each Friday between 4 pm and 6 pm, each Saturday between 9 am and 1 pm and one hour before each event.
Where are we
Vojašniški trg 2, 2000 Maribor