
Of Snow and Love

Duration: 1 H
Maribor Theatre Festival

Based on A Short Novel of Snow and Love by Marko Sosič
Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, Godot Institute

A complex analysis of contemporary society, which opens up insights into current, even painful themes: the play Of Snow and Love, based on a poetic novel, is a complex narrative of the breakdown of family relationships caught up in a political climate of intolerance and fascism. The novel is characterised by the coexistence of different levels of developments, concrete actions, thoughts and memories, which deal with relationships from different perspectives, and perhaps this is why the production is a fusion between a monodrama, a dance performance and a concert. It is an intimate narrative, the cry of an individual who silently observes as hatred, fear, ignorance, encouraged by political and economic interests in the world, slowly disintegrate the most intimate and secure environment – the family. 

Director Tadej Pišek
Text adaptation Tadej Pišek
Choreographers Mojca Špik, Inan Du Swami
Composer Marjan Peternel
Lighting designer Janko Oven

Tadej Pišek
Mojca Špik
Inan Du Swami
Marjan Peternel

Opening hours
The LGM Box Office is open every Tuesday to Friday between 9 am and 1 pm, each Friday between 4 pm and 6 pm, each Saturday between 9 am and 1 pm and one hour before each event.
Where are we
Vojašniški trg 2, 2000 Maribor