

Duration: 10 min
work in progress (dance intervention)

The performance deals with the search for parallels between Slovenian folk tales and the formation of the Slovenian landscape. It focuses on the story of Ajdovska deklica (The Heathen Maiden), whose face carved in stone on Vršič is one of Slovenia's most beautiful natural monuments.

Choreography and performance Vanja Kolanovič, Anja Spasovski, Nadja Spasovski, Vita Trantura, Nika Zidar
Mentorship Urša Rupnik
Dramaturgy Mojca Kasjak
Artistic advice Jasmina Križaj
Production Plesna Izba Maribor
Co-production Zavod MOJA KREACIJA, Maribor, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, II. gimnazija Maribor

The ŠIK dance collective is a group of young dancers who have performed several solo  independent dance performances in the last 5 years (Čudovito preživetje, Materija, Kam si rastresla sekunde, Korenine). The dancers also collaborate with other dance ensembles, with whom they perform in full-length dance performances and take part in dance competitions and festivals in Slovenia and abroad. Petrified is created under the mentorship of the internationally renowned choreographer Urša Rupnik. 

 Urša Rupnik graduated in Cultural Studies from the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana and in Dance and Choreography from the Academy of Dance in Ljubljana. As an independent dance creator, she collaborates with important Slovenian choreographers and other artists. She creates original dance projects, works with Liza Šimenc in the Frankies dance collective, and is the artistic director of the Studio for Free Dance and the Ursus Dancers collective. For over a decade she has worked as a choreography and workshop assistant for the eminent, world-renowned American dancer, choreographer and teacher Joe Alegado, and is a member of his international dance group Jalegado Dance Company.

Opening hours
The LGM Box Office is open every Tuesday to Friday between 9 am and 1 pm, each Friday between 4 pm and 6 pm, each Saturday between 9 am and 1 pm and one hour before each event.
Where are we
Vojašniški trg 2, 2000 Maribor