

Duration: 1 h 15 min
Quentin Dupieux / Francija / 2023 / 77 min / francoščina
artist dali at the seaaside

French master of the absurd Quentin Dupieux (Mandibule) pays homage to his idol in a playful and unpredictable "non-biography" that shows that Dalí's greatest work of art was his personality.

A young French journalist meets again and again with Salvador Dalí in order to make a documentary about him, but the project just doesn't want to get off the ground... We have before us a masterful and delicious cinematic film that reveals Dalí as the public has never seen it and proves - if there is any proof necessary at all – that Daaaaaalí is in all probability the only artist on this wretched little planet.

Opening hours
The LGM Box Office is open every Tuesday to Friday between 9 am and 1 pm, each Friday between 4 pm and 6 pm, each Saturday between 9 am and 1 pm and one hour before each event.
Where are we
Vojašniški trg 2, 2000 Maribor