Nepričakovan in presenetljiv uspeh priredbe na lokalnih radijskih postajah je sprožil željo po lastnem ustvarjanju. Kaj kmalu je bilo jasno, da so člani, do takrat, skrivali svoj ustvarjalni talent, saj je v roku enega leta nastal prvenec z naslovom TABU. Skladbe, kot so Dobra vila, Tabu, Lahko sem srce in druge skupaj s prodanih več kot 25.000 izvodov albuma, so skupino ekspresno izstrelile v sam vrh takratne pop rock scene.
Tabu was formed in May 1998, when a group of like-minded, similarly passionate young people, eager for the stage, emerged from several local bands. The official date of their formation is May 5, 1998, when the group TABU, at the initiative of drummer Primož Štorman, met for the first time in Primož's improvised home studio in Petrovče and recorded a cover of the song "ON."
The unexpected and surprising success of the cover on local radio stations sparked a desire for original creation. It soon became clear that the members had been hiding their creative talent until then, as within a year, they produced their debut album titled "TABU." Songs like Dobra vila, Tabu, Lahko sem srce, and others, along with over 25,000 copies sold, propelled the group to the top of the pop-rock scene at the time.
The story that has been ongoing for over 25 years is now being written by:
Katarina Samobor, vocals
Tomaž Kozovinc, keyboards
Primož Štorman, drums
Iztok Melanšek (Izi), bass
Tomaž Trop (Maco), guitar