
Way of Sylvie

Duration: 12 min
Fefi Festival Choice

Verica Pospíšilová Kordić, Češka, 12 min, 2020, produkcija: FAMU

They say that women are great multitasker and Sylvie definitely is a multitasker. How does she manage it? And - does she manage it?

Sylvie´s life beats in a rhythm of responsibilities. And she is efficient, flawless, wonderful and tired. A small accident happens and everything changes... Or does it?


This film deals with problems of the society that demands and praises maximum performance in all aspects of life. We can observe this especially in women, who, aside from having to work same hours as men, must care for their families and households - and also look good while doing so. Women are expected to posess endless energy, sense of logistics and a wider view on things in all they do. Can they manage these expectations, and should they?

Verica Pospíšilová Kordić


Screenplay writer Verica Pospíšilová Kordić

Editor Matěj Pospíšil

Music composer Filip Nebřenský

Cast Filip Nebřenský, Paulina Kinga Dobosz, Matěj Pospíšil, Andělka Brixiová, Felix Šrámek


O režiserki

Verica Pospíšilová Kordić was born in Croatia in 1981 and moved to Czech Republic to pursue studies in animation. During the making of the Way of Sylvie at FAMU the storyline almost became a self-fullfilling prophecy as Verica became a mother herself and, luckily, unlike Sylvie, a wife of a loving and supporting husband.

Opening hours
The LGM Box Office is open every Tuesday to Friday between 9 am and 1 pm, each Friday between 4 pm and 6 pm, each Saturday between 9 am and 1 pm and one hour before each event.
Where are we
Vojašniški trg 2, 2000 Maribor